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Gas Flows in Micro-Electro-Mechanical Systems

from 2008 to 2012

Marie Curie Innovative Training Network
GASMEMS is an Initial Training Network (ITN) financed by the 7th Framework programme (FP7) of the European Commission (Marie Curie Actions). It is a network of 13 participants and 6 associated partners from all over the European Community who provide fundamental and applied research in the fields of dynamics of gas micro flows and of microstructure design and manufacturing as well as applications in lab and industry.

The two primary objectives of this ITN project are:

  • to structure research in Europe in the field of micro gas flows to improve global fundamental knowledge and enable technological applications to an industrial and commercial level;
  • to train 15 PhD (ESR) and 5 post-doctoral (ER) researchers at a pan-European level, with the aim to providing both a global overview on problems linked to gas flow and heat transfer in microsystems, and advanced skills in specific domains of this research field.