Ph.D. Student
+33 (0) 7 61 50 62 86
Production scientifique :
Année | Type | Auteurs et titre du document | Liens |
2021 | ACL | Tohme Tohme, Pascale Magaud, Lucien Baldas. Transport of Non-Spherical Particles in Square Microchannel Flows: A Review. Micromachines, MDPI, 277, 12 | [HAL] / [DOI] / [bibtex] |
2018 | COM | Tohme Tohme, Yanfeng Gao, Pascale Magaud, Lucien Baldas, Christine Lafforgue, Stéphane Colin. Inertial migration of bidisperse suspensions flowing in microchannels: effect of particle diameters ratio. FPS 2018: European Conference on Fluid-Particle Separation | [HAL] |
2018 | COM | Tohme Tohme, Yanfeng Gao, Pascale Magaud, Lucien Baldas, Christine Lafforgue, Stéphane Colin. Inertial migration of spherical particles in bidisperse suspensions flowing in microchannels. 5th European Conference on Microfluidics (μFlu18) and 3rd European Conference on Non-Equilibrium Gas Flows (NEGF18), 262-266 | [HAL] |
Doctoral thesis topic:
Inertial Migration of Non-Spherical Particles in Microchannel Flows.
The objective of this work is to understand the effect of a particle's shape on its behavior while flowing in a microchannel flow. This will help us design a microseparator that will be used to separate the particles from the fluid.
Main applications: Air & water pollution, environmental, biomedical, pharmaceutical and industrial applications ...
Dr. Lucien BALDAS and Dr. Pascale MAGAUD (INSA Toulouse, France)
Teaching activity:
Teaching assistant at IUT Rangueil - Mechanical Engineering Department - UPS - Toulouse:
- Aerodynamics
- Compressible fluid dynamics
- Jet Engine
- Thermodynamics
- Mechanical Design
- Mathematics
- 10/2017 - 09/2020: Ph.D. in Fluid dynamics, University of Toulouse, Toulouse, FRANCE
- 10/2016 - 07/2017: M.Sc. in Fluid Dynamics, Energetics and Transfer, INSA, Toulouse, FRANCE
- 10/2012 - 07/2017: Mechanical Engineering, Lebanese University, Faculty of Engineering, LEBANON