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Marcos Rojas-Cardenas

Assistant Professor

Bio: Since 2014, Marcos is an Assistant Professor at the Institut National des Sciences Appliquées (INSA) de Toulouse, and realizes his research activities in the Clément Ader Institute of the University of Toulouse. From 2013 until 2014 he was working as a Post-Doc in the Laboratories of Thermophysics at the Federal University of Santa Catarina, Brazil. In 2012 he obtained a PhD title from the Aix-Marseille University, where his main research was focused on "Thermally Driven Rarefied Gas Flows". This thesis was financed by a Marie-Curie Fellowship Grant (Seventh Framework Programme) within GASMEMS an European Initial Training Network. Marcos obtained his Master and Bachelor degrees from the University of Genoa, Italy.

PhD thesis: "Thermally Driven Rarefied Gas Flows" (download full PhD thesis).

Production scientifique :

AnnéeTypeAuteurs et titre du documentLiens
2024ACLNicolas Gaignebet, Marcos Rojas-Cárdenas, Stéphane Colin, Simon Raffy, Matthieu Raison, Étienne Palleau. Cost and time-efficient microdevice fabrication process for rarefied gas flow applications. Physics of Fluids, American Institute of Physics, 121707, 36[HAL] / [DOI] / [bibtex]
2024COMMassimiliano Rossi, Filippo Azzini, Amira M’hadbi, Marcos Rojas-Cardenas, Beatrice Pulvirenti, Gian Luca Morini. Mixed convection in microfluidic channels for flow manipulation (part 2): Fluid-dynamic characterization with 3D PTV. 10th World Conference on Experimental Heat Transfer, Fluid Mechanics and Thermodynamics[HAL]
2024COMFilippo Azzini, Beatrice Pulvirenti, Marcos Rojas-Cardenas, Massimiliano Rossi, Gian Luca Morini. Mixed convection in microfluidic channels for flow manipulations (part 1): Thermofluidic analysis with data-driven CFD modelling. 10th World Conference on Experimental Heat Transfer, Fluid Mechanics and Thermodynamics[HAL]
2024ACLZongwei Zhang, Dominique Fratantonio, Christine Barrot Lattes, Marcos Rojas-Cardenas, Stéphane Colin. Measurements of diffusion coefficient and kinetic diameter of acetone vapor via molecular tagging. Microfluidics and Nanofluidics, Springer Verlag, 62, 28[HAL] / [DOI] / [bibtex]
2024COMNicolas Gaignebet, Marcos Rojas-Cardenas, Stéphane Colin, Simon Raffy, Matthieu Raison, Etienne Palleau. Characterization of a low-cost microdevice for rarefied gas flows fabricated via maskless lithography. 33rd International Symposium on Rarefied Gas Dynamics[HAL]
2024COMG Tejeda, S Bajić, C Alvarez, Marcos Rojas-Cardenas, Christine Barrot-Lattes, Stéphane Colin, J M Fernández. Raman thermometry of confined gas micro-flows. 33rd International Symposium on Rarefied Gas Dynamics[HAL] / [DOI] / [bibtex]
2024COMFranz Schweizer, Klaus Bade, Lucien Baldas, Samuel Bergdolt, Stéphane Colin, Stefan Hengsbach, Jan Korvink, Marcos Rojas-Cardenas, Juergen J. Brandner. Towards the fabrication of a novel 3D-printed Knudsen pump via two-photon-polymerization. 33rd International Symposium on Rarefied Gas Dynamics[HAL]
2024COMZongwei Zhang, Marcos Rojas-Cardenas, Dominique Fratantonio, Christine Barrot-Lattes, Stéphane Colin. Measurements of diffusion coefficient of acetone vapor at different temperatures via molecular tagging. 33rd International Symposium on Rarefied Gas Dynamics[HAL]
2023COMSlaven Bajić, Marcos Rojas-Cárdenas, Christine Barrot-Lattes, Stéphane Colin. Temperature dependence of gas-phase acetone photoluminescence under low pressure conditions at several excitation wavelengths. 4th European Conference on Non-equilibrium Gas Flows – NEGF23, 12-15 (paper NEGF23-435240)[HAL]
2023COMZongwei Zhang, Dominique Fratantonio, Varun Yeachana, Marcos Rojas-Cárdenas, Christine Barrot-Lattes, Stéphane Colin. Measurements of diffusion coefficient and kinetic diameter of diacetyl and acetone vapor via molecular tagging. 4th European Conference on Non-equilibrium Gas Flows (NEGF23), 163-167 (paper NEGF23-435562)[HAL]
2023COMDingdong Zhang, Franz Schweizer, Guillermo López Quesada, Samuel Bergdolt, Stefan Hengsbach, Klaus Bade, Dimitris Valougeorgis, Bertrand Tondu, Marcos Rojas-Cárdenas, Stéphane Colin. Isothermal pressure driven gas microflows in tapered microchannels with circular cross section: numerical and experimental investigations. 4th European Conference on Non-equilibrium Gas Flows – NEGF23, 172-176 (paper NEGF23-438617)[HAL]
2023ACLDingdong Zhang, Guillermo López-Quesada, Samuel Bergdolt, Stefan Hengsbach, Klaus Bade, Stéphane Colin, Marcos Rojas-Cárdenas. 3D micro-structures for rarefied gas flow applications manufactured via two-photon-polymerization. Vacuum, Elsevier, 111915 (10 pages), 211[HAL] / [DOI] / [bibtex]
2022ACLStéphane Colin, José M Fernández, Christine Barrot-Lattes, Lucien Baldas, Slaven Bajić, Marcos Rojas-Cárdenas. Review of optical thermometry techniques for flows at the microscale towards their applicability to gas microflows. Micromachines, MDPI, 1819, 13[HAL] / [DOI] / [bibtex]
2020ACLGuillermo López Quesada, Giorgos Tatsios, Dimitris Valougeorgis, Marcos Rojas-Cárdenas, Lucien Baldas, Christine Barrot, Stéphane Colin. Thermally driven pumps and diodes in multistage assemblies consisting of microchannels with converging, diverging and uniform rectangular cross sections. Microfluidics and Nanofluidics, Springer Verlag, 54, 24[HAL] / [DOI] / [bibtex]
2020ACLDominique Fratantonio, Marcos Rojas-Cárdenas, Christine Barrot, Lucien Baldas, Stéphane Colin. Velocity measurements in channel gas flows in the slip regime by means of molecular tagging velocimetry. Micromachines, MDPI, 374, 11[HAL] / [DOI] / [bibtex]
2019COMGuillermo López Quesada, Stéphane Colin, Dimitris Valougeorgis, Lucien Baldas, Christine Barrot, Marcos Rojas-Cárdenas. IMPROVING THE MANUFACTURING PROCESS OF MULTI-LEVEL MICROFLUIDIC DEVICES BASED ON THE LAMINATION OF SUCCESSIVE DRY FILM PHOTORESIST LAYERS. International Symposium on Thermal Effects in Gas flows In Microscale - ISTEGIM 2019[HAL]
2019COMDominique Fratantonio, Marcos Rojas-Cárdenas, Christine Barrot, Lucien Baldas, Stéphane Colin. FLOW VISUALIZATION OF GAS FLOWS IN CHANNELS IN THE SLIP REGIME BY MEANS OF MOLECULAR TAGGING VELOCIMETRY. International Symposium on Thermal Effects in Gas flows In Microscale - ISTEGIM 2019[HAL]
2019COMVarun Yeachana, Christine Barrot, Lucien Baldas, Marcos Rojas-Cárdenas, Nicolas Laurien, Stéphane Colin. Investigations on acetone vapour photoluminescence for applications in molecular tagging techniques. International Symposium on Thermal Effects in Gas flows In Microscale - ISTEGIM 2019, ISTEGIM 2019 - 152927[HAL]
2019ACLGuillermo López Quesada, Giorgos Tatsios, Dimitris Valougeorgis, Marcos Rojas-Cárdenas, Lucien Baldas, Christine Barrot, Stéphane Colin. Design guidelines for thermally driven micropumps of different architectures based on target applications via kinetic modeling and simulations. Micromachines, MDPI, 249, 10[HAL] / [DOI] / [bibtex]
2018COMGuillermo López Quesada, Giorgos Tatsios, Stéphane Colin, Dimitris Valougeorgis, Lucien Baldas, Christine Barrot, Marcos Rojas-Cárdenas. Computational study of a novel Knudsen pump design exploiting drilling and 3D printing techniques in low thermal conductivity materials. 6th Micro and Nano Flows Conference, 9 - 12[HAL]
2018ACLDominique Fratantonio, Marcos Rojas-Cárdenas, Hacene Si Hadj Mohand, Christine Barrot, Lucien Baldas, Stéphane Colin. Molecular tagging velocimetry for confined rarefied gas flows: Phosphorescence emission measurements at low pressure. Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science, Elsevier, 510-524, 99[HAL] / [DOI] / [bibtex]
2018COMDominique Fratantonio, Varun Yeachana, Marcos Rojas-Cárdenas, Stéphane Colin, Christine Barrot-Lattes. Imaging technique for measuring the diffusion of diacetyl and acetone vapors at low pressures. 31st International Symposium on Rarefied Gas Dynamics[HAL]
2018COMVarun Yeachana, Vikash Kumar, Lucien Baldas, Marcos Rojas-Cárdenas, Christine Barrot, Ryan Enright, Stéphane Colin. Proposed design for simultaneous measurement of wall and near-wall temperatures in gas microflows. 3rd MIGRATE International Workshop, 211489[HAL]
2018COMGuillermo López Quesada, Giorgos Tatsios, Stéphane Colin, Dimitris Valougeorgis, Lucien Baldas, Christine Barrot, Marcos Rojas-Cárdenas. Proposal of a novel Knudsen pump design benefitting from drilling and 3D printing techniques in low conductivity materials. 3rd MIGRATE International Workshop,[HAL]
2018COMG. Lopez Quesada, Marcos Rojas-Cárdenas, Lucien Baldas, Christine Barrot-Lattes, S. Colin. Performance study of a multistage Knudsen pump with tapered assemblies. 31st International Symposium on Rarefied Gas Dynamics[HAL]
2018ACLErnane Silva, Cesar Deschamps, Marcos Rojas-Cárdenas, Christine Barrot-Lattes, Lucien Baldas, Stéphane Colin. A time-dependent method for the measurement of mass flow rate of gases in microchannels. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, Elsevier, 422 - 434, 120[HAL] / [DOI] / [bibtex]
2018COMVarun Yeachana, Christine Barrot, Lucien Baldas, Marcos Rojas-Cárdenas, Stéphane Colin. Study of acetone vapor phosphorescence at varying temperatures for molecular tagging thermometry. 5th European Conference on Microfluidics (μFlu18) and 3rd European Conference on Non-Equilibrium Gas Flows (NEGF18), 73-76[HAL]
2018COMDominique Fratantonio, Stefan K Stefanov, Marcos Rojas-Cárdenas, Christine Barrot-Lattes, Stéphane Colin. Photoluminescence models in direct simulation Monte Carlo for molecular tagging techniques. 5th European Conference on Microfluidics (μFlu18) and 3rd European Conference on Non-Equilibrium Gas Flows (NEGF18)[HAL]
2018COMGuillermo López Quesada, Giorgos Tatsios, Marcos Rojas-Cárdenas, Lucien Baldas, Christine Barrot, Stéphane Colin, Dimitris Valougeorgis. Pumping effect due to temperature gradients imposed in a multistage assembly consisting of long tapered orthogonal channels. 5th European Conference on Microfluidics (μFlu18) and 3rd European Conference on Non-Equilibrium Gas Flows (NEGF18), 447-450[HAL]
2017COMDominique Fratantonio, Nicolas Laurien, Christine Barrot, Marcos Rojas-Cardenas, Stéphane Colin. Marquage moléculaire d'acétone et diacétyle à basses pressions. CFM 2017 - 23ème Congrès Français de Mécanique[HAL]
2017COMMarcos Rojas-Cardenas, Ernane Silva, Minh, Tuan Ho, Cesar Deschamps, Irina Graur. A new dynamic methodology for stationary and transient mass flow rate measurements. CFM 2017 - 23ème Congrès Français de Mécanique[HAL]
2017ACLG. Tatsios, G. Lopez Quesada, Marcos Rojas-Cárdenas, Lucien Baldas, Stéphane Colin, D. Valougeorgis. Computational investigation and parametrization of the pumping effect in temperature-driven flows through long tapered channels. Microfluidics and Nanofluidics, Springer Verlag, 99, 21[HAL] / [DOI] / [bibtex]
2017COMVarun Yeachana, Dominique Fratantonio, Marcos Rojas-Cárdenas, Christine Barrot-Lattes, Stéphane Colin. Preliminary investigations on temperature dependency of acetone vapor luminescence for molecular tagging thermometry. 2nd International MIGRATE Workshop, Sofia, Bulgaria, MIGRATE-153514[HAL]
2017COMG. Tatsios, G. Lopez Quesada, Marcos Rojas-Cárdenas, Lucien Baldas, Stéphane Colin, D. Valougeorgis. Thermally driven flows in long tapered channels. 2nd International MIGRATE Workshop, Sofia, Bulgaria, MIGRATE-152927[HAL]
2017COMG. Lopez Quesada, G. Tatsios, Stéphane Colin, D. Valougeorgis, Lucien Baldas, Marcos Rojas-Cárdenas. Reviewing the early stages of a Knudsen pump design: modeling and manufacturing. 2nd International MIGRATE Workshop, Sofia, Bulgaria, MIGRATE-153802[HAL]
2017COMMarcos Rojas-Cárdenas, E. Silva, C. Deschamps, M.-T. Ho, I. Graur. Exponential Relaxation with Time of Pressure for Conductance and Mass Flow Rate Measurements of Gas at Arbitrary Rarefaction Conditions. 9th World Conference on Experimental Heat Transfer, Fluid Mechanics and Thermodynamics, 12-15 June, 2017, Iguazu Falls, Brazil[HAL]
2017COMDominique Fratantonio, Hacene Si Hadj Mohand, Marcos Rojas-Cárdenas, Christine Barrot-Lattes, Nicolas Laurien, Stéphane Colin. Molecular tagging velocimetry for confined rarefied gas flows: phosphorescence emission at low pressure. 9th World Conference on Experimental Heat Transfer, Fluid Mechanics and Thermodynamics, 12-15 June, 2017, Iguazu Falls, Brazil[HAL]
2017COMErnane Silva, Cesare J. Deschamps, Marcos Rojas-Cárdenas, Christine Barrot-Lattes, Lucien Baldas, Stéphane Colin. A comparison of mass flow rate experimental data obtained using two different experimental setups by means of the dynamic constant volume technique. 2nd International MIGRATE Workshop, Sofia, Bulgaria, MIGRATE-150322[HAL]
2017COMDominique Fratantonio, Varun Yeachana, Marcos Rojas-Cárdenas, Christine Barrot-Lattes, Stéphane Colin. Acetone and diacetyl phosphorescence at low pressures for molecular tagging velocimetry in confined rarefied gas flows. 2nd International MIGRATE Workshop, Sofia, Bulgaria, MIGRATE-154814[HAL]
2017ACLMarcos Rojas-Cárdenas, Ernane Silva, Minh-Tuan Ho, César Deschamps, Irina Martin Graur. Time-dependent methodology for non-stationary mass flow rate measurements in a long micro-tube. Microfluidics and Nanofluidics, Springer Verlag, 86, 21[HAL] / [DOI] / [bibtex]
2016ACLErnane Silva, Marcos Rojas-Cárdenas, Cesar Deschamps. Experimental analysis of velocity slip at the wall for gas flows of nitrogen, R134a, and R600a through a metallic microtube. International Journal of Refrigeration, Elsevier, 121 - 132, 66[HAL] / [DOI] / [bibtex]
2016COMJie Chen, Marcos Rojas-Cárdenas, Lucien Baldas, Stéphane Colin, Christine Barrot-Lattes. Measurement of thermal transpiration flow through a microtube. 5th Micro and Nano Flows Conference, Milano, Italy[HAL]
2016COMG. Lopez Quesada, Stéphane Colin, D. Valougeorgis, G. Tatsios, Lucien Baldas, Marcos Rojas-Cárdenas. Overview of alternative designs for thermally driven micropumps. 1st International MIGRATE Workshop, Strasbourg, France, MIGRATE 12: 1-2[HAL]
2016COMDominique Fratantonio, Marcos Rojas-Cárdenas, Stéphane Colin, Christine Barrot-Lattes. Acetone luminescence at low pressure for molecular tagging velocimetry in confined rarefied gas flows. 1st International MIGRATE Workshop, Strasbourg, France, MIGRATE 11: 1-2[HAL]
2016COMDominique Fratantonio, Hacene Si Hadj Mohand, Nicolas Laurien, Christine Barrot-Lattes, Marcos Rojas-Cárdenas, Stéphane Colin. Vélocimétrie par marquage moléculaire appliquée aux écoulements gazeux raréfiés. 15ème Congrès Francophone de Techniques Laser (CFTL2016), Toulouse, France[HAL]
2016COME. Silva, M. Nicoluzzi, Marcos Rojas-Cárdenas, C. Deschamps. Analysis of Viscous Slip at the Wall in Gas Flows of R134a and R600a through Metallic Microtubes. 23nd International Compressor Engineering Conference at Purdue, West Lafayette, USA, 1355[HAL]
2015ACLMarcos Rojas-Cárdenas, Irina Graur, Pierre Perrier, J Gilbert Méolans. A new method to measure the thermal slip coefficient. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, Elsevier, 766 - 774, 88[HAL] / [DOI] / [bibtex]
2015COME. Silva, Marcos Rojas-Cárdenas, C.J. Deschamps. Tangential Momentum Accommodation Coefficient Measurements of Tetrafluoroethane in Metallic Microtubes. 2nd European Conference on Non-Equilibrium Gas Flows | Eindhoven, the Netherlands[HAL]
2015COMJie Chen, Stefan Stefanov, Lucien Baldas, Stéphane Colin, Christine Barrot-Lattes, Marcos Rojas-Cárdenas. Investigation of temperature-driven flow between ratchet surfaces. 2th European Conference on Non-equilibrium Gas Flows (NEGF15), Eindhoven, the Netherlands, 101-109[HAL]
2014ACLHiroki Yamaguchi, Marcos Rojas-Cárdenas, Pierre Perrier, Irina Graur, Tomohide Niimi. Thermal transpiration flow through a single rectangular channel. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, Cambridge University Press (CUP), 169 - 182, 744[HAL] / [DOI] / [bibtex]
2013ACLMarcos Rojas-Cárdenas, Irina Graur, Pierre Perrier, J. Gilbert Meolans. Time-dependent experimental analysis of a thermal transpiration rarefied gas flow. Physics of Fluids, American Institute of Physics, 25[HAL] / [DOI] / [bibtex]
2012ACLJ. Méolans, M. Hadj Nacer, Marcos Rojas-Cárdenas, Pierre Perrier, Irina Martin Graur. Effects of two transversal finite dimensions in long microchannel: Analytical approach in slip regime. Physics of Fluids, American Institute of Physics, 24[HAL] / [DOI] / [bibtex]
2012ACLMarcos Rojas-Cárdenas, Irina Graur, Pierre Perrier, J Gilbert Meolans. An Experimental and Numerical Study of the Final Zero-Flow Thermal Transpiration Stage. Journal of Thermal Science and Technology, The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers and The Heat Transfer Society of Japan, 437 - 452, 7[HAL] / [DOI] / [bibtex]
2011ACLMarcos Rojas-Cárdenas, Irina Graur, Pierre Perrier, J. Gilbert Meolans. Thermal transpiration flow: A circular cross-section microtube submitted to a temperature gradient. Physics of Fluids, American Institute of Physics, 23[HAL] / [DOI] / [bibtex]