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Lucien Baldas

Associate Professor

Production scientifique :

AnnéeTypeAuteurs et titre du documentLiens
2025COMJérémy Philippe, Lucien Baldas, Batoul Attar, Jean-Charles Maré. Best Practices and Recommendations for CFD Simulation of Hydraulic Spool Valves. ICFMHS 2025: 19. International Conference on Fluid Mechanics and Hydraulic Systems[HAL]
2024COMStéphane Colin, Lucien Baldas. Heat transfer in gaseous microflows. Journées techniques du GRETh[HAL]
2024PMaimuna Rafique, Lucien Baldas, Jan Korvink, Juergen J. Brandner. Performance Improvement of Low Pressure Inertance Pulse tube Cryocooler. 29th International Cryogenic Engineering Conference, International Cryogenic Materials Conference 2024[HAL]
2024COMFranz Schweizer, Klaus Bade, Lucien Baldas, Samuel Bergdolt, Stéphane Colin, Stefan Hengsbach, Jan Korvink, Marcos Rojas-Cardenas, Juergen J. Brandner. Towards the fabrication of a novel 3D-printed Knudsen pump via two-photon-polymerization. 33rd International Symposium on Rarefied Gas Dynamics[HAL]
2024ACLShiqi Wang, Ahmad Batikh, Lucien Baldas, Azeddine Kourta, Nicolas Mazellier, Stéphane Colin, Stéphane Orieux. Computational and experimental study of the synchronization strategies of two pulsing jet fluidic oscillators. Sensors and Actuators A: Physical, Elsevier, 115165 (14 pp.), 369[HAL] / [DOI] / [bibtex]
2024COMPierre-Yves Passaggia, Stéphane Loyer, Azeddine Kourta, Lucien Baldas, Stéphane Orieux, Phassawat Leelaburanathanakul, Guillermo Lopez Quesada, Christine Barrot-Lattes, Ahmad Batikh, Nicolas Mazellier. Separation control of a NACA 4412 with 25° sweep at high Reynolds numbers using pulsed-jet actuators. 58th 3AF International Conference on Applied Aerodynamics - AERO2024[HAL]
2023ACLÖzgür Yalc, Georges Saliba, Xavier Gloerfelt, Ahmad Batikh, Lucien Baldas. Numerical Investigation of a Pulsed Jet Actuator Having Non-Negligible Switching Time. AIAA Journal, American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, 61[HAL] / [DOI] / [bibtex]
2023ACLGeorges Saliba, Ahmad Batikh, Stéphane Colin, Lucien Baldas. Pulsed impinging jets for heat transfer: a short review. ASME Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 110801 (32 pages), 145[HAL] / [DOI] / [bibtex]
2023ACLGeorges Saliba, Vincent Raimbault, Ahmad Batikh, Stéphane Colin, Lucien Baldas. Relaxation fluidic oscillators: design parameters, new operating modes and characteristics of their internal and external flows. Journal of Fluids Engineering, American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 101202 (16 pages), 145[HAL] / [DOI] / [bibtex]
2023ACLYanfeng Gao, Yanping Wang, Yuzhen Wang, Pascale Magaud, Yuta Liu, Fei Zeng, Jingjing Yang, Lucien Baldas, Yujun Song. Nanocatalysis meets microfluidics: A powerful platform for sensitive bioanalysis. Trends in Analytical Chemistry, Elsevier, 116887, 158[HAL] / [DOI] / [bibtex]
2022COMÖzgür Yalc, Xavier Gloerfelt, Georges Saliba, Ahmad Batikh, Lucien Baldas. High-Fidelity Large-Eddy Simulation of a Pulsed Jet Actuator. 13th ERCOFTAC Workshop on Direct & Large Eddy Simulation[HAL]
2022COMGuillermo Lopez Quesada, Ahmad Batikh, Stéphane Orieux, Nicolas Mazellier, Lucien Baldas. Optimizing the internal design of a miniaturized fluidic oscillator for active flow control over a scaled NACA-4412. 3AF-AERO2022[HAL]
2022COMPierre-Yves Passaggia, Guillermo Lopez Quesada, Stéphane Loyer, Azeddine Kourta, Lucien Baldas, Stéphane Orieux, Ahmad Batikh, Jean-Christophe Robinet, Bruno Stefes, Nicolas Mazellier. Wind-tunnel experiments and separation control of a NACA4412 with 25° sweep at high Reynolds numbers. AIAA SCITECH 2022 Forum[HAL] / [DOI] / [bibtex]
2022COMGabriele Nastro, Jean-Christophe Robinet, Jean-Christophe Loiseau, Pierre-Yves Passaggia, Lucien Baldas, Nicolas Mazellier, Bruno Stefes. Sensitivity analysis of the leading global modes of the flow around a NACA 4412 airfoil. AIAA SCITECH 2022 Forum, 2022-0455[HAL] / [DOI] / [bibtex]
2022ACLStéphane Colin, José M Fernández, Christine Barrot-Lattes, Lucien Baldas, Slaven Bajić, Marcos Rojas-Cárdenas. Review of optical thermometry techniques for flows at the microscale towards their applicability to gas microflows. Micromachines, MDPI, 1819, 13[HAL] / [DOI] / [bibtex]
2021COMGuillermo Lopez Quesada, Ahmad Batikh, Stéphane Orieux, Nicolas Mazellier, Lucien Baldas. Design and evaluation of pulsed jet actuators network for active flow control on NACA-4412 profile. Journées du GdR Contrôle des Décollements[HAL]
2021COMGeorges Saliba, Vincent Raimbault, Stéphane Colin, Ahmad Batikh, Stéphane Orieux, Rémi Gilblas, Lucien Baldas. Jet impingement cooling using fluidic oscillators: an experimental study. EUROTHERM 2021 - 8th European Thermal Sciences Conference, 012028, 2116[HAL] / [DOI] / [bibtex]
2021ACLTohme Tohme, Pascale Magaud, Lucien Baldas. Transport of Non-Spherical Particles in Square Microchannel Flows: A Review. Micromachines, MDPI, 277, 12[HAL] / [DOI] / [bibtex]
2021APLucien Baldas, Jürgen J Brandner, Gian Luca Morini. Selected Papers from the ISTEGIM'19 Thermal Effects in Gas Flow in Microscale. International Symposium on Thermal Effects in Gas flow in Microscale ISTEGIM 2019 - A MIGRATE Event[HAL] / [DOI] / [bibtex]
2021ACLYanfeng Gao, Pascale Magaud, Lucien Baldas, Yanping Wang. Inertial Migration of Neutrally Buoyant Spherical Particles in Square Channels at Moderate and High Reynolds Numbers. Micromachines, MDPI, 198, 12[HAL] / [DOI] / [bibtex]
2020ACLDaniel Măriuţa, Stéphane Colin, Christine Barrot-Lattes, Stéphane Le Calvé, Jan G Korvink, Lucien Baldas, Jürgen Brandner. Miniaturization of fluorescence sensing in optofluidic devices. Microfluidics and Nanofluidics, Springer Verlag, 65, 24[HAL] / [DOI] / [bibtex]
2020ACLDaniel Mariuta, Arumugam Govindaraji, Stéphane Colin, Christine Barrot, Stéphane Le Calvé, Jan Korvink, Lucien Baldas, Jürgen Brandner. Optofluidic formaldehyde sensing: towards on-chip integration. Micromachines, MDPI, 673, 11[HAL] / [DOI] / [bibtex]
2020ACLGuillermo López Quesada, Giorgos Tatsios, Dimitris Valougeorgis, Marcos Rojas-Cárdenas, Lucien Baldas, Christine Barrot, Stéphane Colin. Thermally driven pumps and diodes in multistage assemblies consisting of microchannels with converging, diverging and uniform rectangular cross sections. Microfluidics and Nanofluidics, Springer Verlag, 54, 24[HAL] / [DOI] / [bibtex]
2020BStéphane Orieux, Lucien Baldas. Two-stage ejector.[HAL]
2020ACLLucien Baldas, Jürgen J Brandner, Gian Luca Morini. Editorial for the Special Issue "Selected Papers from the ISTEGIM'19-Thermal Effects in Gas Flow in Microscale. Micromachines, MDPI, 879, 11[HAL] / [DOI] / [bibtex]
2020ACLDominique Fratantonio, Marcos Rojas-Cárdenas, Christine Barrot, Lucien Baldas, Stéphane Colin. Velocity measurements in channel gas flows in the slip regime by means of molecular tagging velocimetry. Micromachines, MDPI, 374, 11[HAL] / [DOI] / [bibtex]
2020ACLDaniel Mariuta, Lucien Baldas, Stéphane Colin, Stéphane Le Calvé, Jan Gerrit Gerrit Korvink, Juergen J. Brandner. Prototyping a miniaturized microfluidic sensor for real-time detection of airborne formaldehyde. International Journal of Chemical Engineering and Applications, International Journal of Chemical Engineering and Applications, 23-28, 11[HAL] / [DOI] / [bibtex]
2019COMDominique Fratantonio, Marcos Rojas-Cárdenas, Christine Barrot, Lucien Baldas, Stéphane Colin. FLOW VISUALIZATION OF GAS FLOWS IN CHANNELS IN THE SLIP REGIME BY MEANS OF MOLECULAR TAGGING VELOCIMETRY. International Symposium on Thermal Effects in Gas flows In Microscale - ISTEGIM 2019[HAL]
2019COMGuillermo López Quesada, Stéphane Colin, Dimitris Valougeorgis, Lucien Baldas, Christine Barrot, Marcos Rojas-Cárdenas. IMPROVING THE MANUFACTURING PROCESS OF MULTI-LEVEL MICROFLUIDIC DEVICES BASED ON THE LAMINATION OF SUCCESSIVE DRY FILM PHOTORESIST LAYERS. International Symposium on Thermal Effects in Gas flows In Microscale - ISTEGIM 2019[HAL]
2019COMGeorges Saliba, Lucien Baldas, Vincent Raimbault, Ahmad Batikh, Rémi Gilblas, Stéphane Orieux, Stéphane Colin, Yannick Le Maoult. Study and development of fluidic oscillators for heat removal. istegim2019 - Proceedings of the International Symposium on Thermal Effects in Gas flows In Microscale, 1-6[HAL]
2019COMDaniel Măriuța, Lucien Baldas, Stéphane Colin, Christine Barrot-Lattes, Stéphane Le Calvé, Jan Gerrit Gerrit Korvink, Juergen J. Brandner. Microfluidic sensing of airborne formaldehyde: towards on-chip integration (oral presentation & poster & proceedings with peer review). International Symposium on Thermal Effects in Gas flows in Microscale (ISTEGIM)[HAL]
2019COMVarun Yeachana, Christine Barrot, Lucien Baldas, Marcos Rojas-Cárdenas, Nicolas Laurien, Stéphane Colin. Investigations on acetone vapour photoluminescence for applications in molecular tagging techniques. International Symposium on Thermal Effects in Gas flows In Microscale - ISTEGIM 2019, ISTEGIM 2019 - 152927[HAL]
2019OStéphane Colin, Lucien Baldas. Gas Flows in Microsystems.[HAL]
2019ACLStéphane Colin, Lucien Baldas. Editorial for the special issue on gas flows in microsystems. Micromachines, MDPI, 494, 10[HAL] / [DOI] / [bibtex]
2019BLucien Baldas, Stéphane Orieux, Loïc Joguet, Michel Cecchin, Pierre Milhau. SUPERSONIC EJECTOR WITH ANNULAR CHAMBER.[HAL]
2019ACLYanfeng Gao, Pascale Magaud, Christine Lafforgue, Stéphane Colin, Lucien Baldas. Inertial lateral migration and self-assembly of particles in bidisperse suspensions in microchannel flows. Microfluidics and Nanofluidics, Springer Verlag, 93, 23[HAL] / [DOI] / [bibtex]
2019COMIrene Lara-Ibeas, Alberto Rodríguez-Cuevas, Christina Andrikopoulou, Pauline Meyer, Vincent Person, C Trocquet, Rubén Ocampo-Torres, Michel Wolf, Lucien Baldas, Stéphane Colin, Stéphane Le Calvé. Dispositifs de préconcentration microfluidiques pour l'analyse de COV par chromatographie en phase gazeuse. Atmos’fair[HAL]
2019PIrene Lara-Ibeas, Alberto Rodríguez-Cuevas, Vincent Person, Stéphane Colin, Lucien Baldas, Stéphane Le Calvé. Development of a microfluidic preconcentration device for sub-ppb level detection of BTEX. European workshop on Low-cost Sensors and Microsystems for Environment Monitoring[HAL]
2019ACLGuillermo López Quesada, Giorgos Tatsios, Dimitris Valougeorgis, Marcos Rojas-Cárdenas, Lucien Baldas, Christine Barrot, Stéphane Colin. Design guidelines for thermally driven micropumps of different architectures based on target applications via kinetic modeling and simulations. Micromachines, MDPI, 249, 10[HAL] / [DOI] / [bibtex]
2019ACLIrene Lara-Ibeas, Alberto Rodríguez-Cuevas, Christina Andrikopoulou, Vincent Person, Lucien Baldas, Stéphane Colin, Stéphane Le Calvé. Sub-ppb level detection of BTEX gaseous mixtures with a compact prototype GC equipped with a preconcentration unit. Micromachines, MDPI, 187, 10[HAL] / [DOI] / [bibtex]
2019ACLShiqi Wang, Ahmad Batikh, Lucien Baldas, Azeddine Kourta, Nicolas Mazellier, Stéphane Colin, Stéphane Orieux. On the modelling of the switching mechanisms of a Coanda fluidic oscillator. Sensors and Actuators A: Physical, Elsevier, 111618, 299[HAL] / [DOI] / [bibtex]
2018COMIrene Lara-Ibeas, Alberto Rodríguez-Cuevas, Christina Andrikopoulou, Ali Ahmad Kassir, Racha Kassem, Lucien Baldas, Stéphane Colin, Stéphane Le Calvé. STUDY OF ALTERNATIVE ADSORBENTS FOR PRECONCENTRATION OF BENZENE AND TOLUENE: IMPROVING THE SENSITIVITY OF A MINIATURIZED GC TO PPT LEVELS. µTAS 2018[HAL]
2018COMShiqi Wang, Ahmad Batikh, Lucien Baldas, Stéphane Colin, Azeddine Kourta, Nicolas Mazellier. Experimental study of flow separation control on a ramp using Micro-Fluidic Oscillators. Journées du GDR 2502 Contrôle des Décollements[HAL]
2018COMTohme Tohme, Yanfeng Gao, Pascale Magaud, Lucien Baldas, Christine Lafforgue, Stéphane Colin. Inertial migration of bidisperse suspensions flowing in microchannels: effect of particle diameters ratio. FPS 2018: European Conference on Fluid-Particle Separation[HAL]
2018COMGuillermo López Quesada, Giorgos Tatsios, Stéphane Colin, Dimitris Valougeorgis, Lucien Baldas, Christine Barrot, Marcos Rojas-Cárdenas. Computational study of a novel Knudsen pump design exploiting drilling and 3D printing techniques in low thermal conductivity materials. 6th Micro and Nano Flows Conference, 9 - 12[HAL]
2018ACLDominique Fratantonio, Marcos Rojas-Cárdenas, Hacene Si Hadj Mohand, Christine Barrot, Lucien Baldas, Stéphane Colin. Molecular tagging velocimetry for confined rarefied gas flows: Phosphorescence emission measurements at low pressure. Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science, Elsevier, 510-524, 99[HAL] / [DOI] / [bibtex]
2018COMDaniel Măriuța, Lucien Baldas, Jürgen Brander, Stéphane Le Calvé, Stéphane Colin, Christine Barrot-Lattes, Pascale Magaud, Nicolas Laurien. Design, optimization and manufacturing of a miniaturized fluorescence sensing device. 3rd MIGRATE International Workshop, 210421[HAL]
2018COMVarun Yeachana, Vikash Kumar, Lucien Baldas, Marcos Rojas-Cárdenas, Christine Barrot, Ryan Enright, Stéphane Colin. Proposed design for simultaneous measurement of wall and near-wall temperatures in gas microflows. 3rd MIGRATE International Workshop, 211489[HAL]
2018COMGuillermo López Quesada, Giorgos Tatsios, Stéphane Colin, Dimitris Valougeorgis, Lucien Baldas, Christine Barrot, Marcos Rojas-Cárdenas. Proposal of a novel Knudsen pump design benefitting from drilling and 3D printing techniques in low conductivity materials. 3rd MIGRATE International Workshop,[HAL]
2018COMIrene Lara-Ibeas, Alberto Rodríguez-Cuevas, Christina Andrikopolou, Ali Ahmad Kassir, Racha Kassem, Lucien Baldas, Stéphane Colin, Stéphane Le Calvé. Study of alternative granular adsorbents for benzene and toluene preconcentrations. 3rd international workshop MIGRATE[HAL]
2018COMG. Lopez Quesada, Marcos Rojas-Cárdenas, Lucien Baldas, Christine Barrot-Lattes, S. Colin. Performance study of a multistage Knudsen pump with tapered assemblies. 31st International Symposium on Rarefied Gas Dynamics[HAL]
2018ACLErnane Silva, Cesar Deschamps, Marcos Rojas-Cárdenas, Christine Barrot-Lattes, Lucien Baldas, Stéphane Colin. A time-dependent method for the measurement of mass flow rate of gases in microchannels. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, Elsevier, 422 - 434, 120[HAL] / [DOI] / [bibtex]
2018COMDaniel Măriuța, Lucien Baldas, Jürgen Brander, Katja Haas-Santo, Stéphane Le Calvé, Stéphane Colin, Pascale Magaud, Christine Barrot-Lattes. Recent developments in miniaturized optical systems for continuous fluorescence detection in liquid flows. 5th European Conference on Microfluidics (μFlu18) and 3rd European Conference on Non-Equilibrium Gas Flows (NEGF18), 391-394[HAL]
2018COMYichang Wang, Yanfeng Gao, Pascale Magaud, Lucien Baldas, Christine Lafforgue, Stéphane Colin. Inertial migration of neutrally buoyant particles in square channels at high Reynolds numbers. 5th European Conference on Microfluidics (μFlu18) and 3rd European Conference on Non-Equilibrium Gas Flows (NEGF18), 255-258[HAL]
2018COMVarun Yeachana, Christine Barrot, Lucien Baldas, Marcos Rojas-Cárdenas, Stéphane Colin. Study of acetone vapor phosphorescence at varying temperatures for molecular tagging thermometry. 5th European Conference on Microfluidics (μFlu18) and 3rd European Conference on Non-Equilibrium Gas Flows (NEGF18), 73-76[HAL]
2018COMIrene Lara-Ibeas, Christina Andrikopoulou, Stéphane Colin, Lucien Baldas, Stéphane Le Calvé. Fabrication of a silica-coated micro gas chromatography column for VOC separation. 5th European Conference on Microfluidics (μFlu18) and 3rd European Conference on Non-Equilibrium Gas Flows (NEGF18), 251-254[HAL]
2018COMGuillermo López Quesada, Giorgos Tatsios, Marcos Rojas-Cárdenas, Lucien Baldas, Christine Barrot, Stéphane Colin, Dimitris Valougeorgis. Pumping effect due to temperature gradients imposed in a multistage assembly consisting of long tapered orthogonal channels. 5th European Conference on Microfluidics (μFlu18) and 3rd European Conference on Non-Equilibrium Gas Flows (NEGF18), 447-450[HAL]
2018COMTohme Tohme, Yanfeng Gao, Pascale Magaud, Lucien Baldas, Christine Lafforgue, Stéphane Colin. Inertial migration of spherical particles in bidisperse suspensions flowing in microchannels. 5th European Conference on Microfluidics (μFlu18) and 3rd European Conference on Non-Equilibrium Gas Flows (NEGF18), 262-266[HAL]
2017ACLYanfeng Gao, Pascale Magaud, Lucien Baldas, Christine Lafforgue, Micheline Abbas, Stéphane Colin. Self-ordered particle trains in inertial microchannel flows. Microfluidics and Nanofluidics, Springer Verlag, 154, 21[HAL] / [DOI] / [bibtex]
2017COMDaniel Mariuta, Lucien Baldas, Jürgen Brander, Stéphane Le Calvé, Stéphane Colin, Pascale Magaud, Christine Barrot-Lattes. Gas-liquid micro-separators for trapping of volatile organic compounds. 2nd MIGRATE International Workshop[HAL]
2017COMShiqi Wang, Lucien Baldas, Stéphane Colin, Stéphane Orieux, Nicolas Laurien, Azeddine Kourta, Nicolas Mazellier, Stéphane Loyer. Active flow control of ramp flow by fluidic oscillators. 2nd MIGRATE International Workshop[HAL]
2017ACLG. Tatsios, G. Lopez Quesada, Marcos Rojas-Cárdenas, Lucien Baldas, Stéphane Colin, D. Valougeorgis. Computational investigation and parametrization of the pumping effect in temperature-driven flows through long tapered channels. Microfluidics and Nanofluidics, Springer Verlag, 99, 21[HAL] / [DOI] / [bibtex]
2017COMAhmad Batikh, Lucien Baldas, Stéphane Colin. Application of active flow control on aircrafts -State of the art. International Workshop on Aircraft System Technologies, 2017[HAL]
2017COMG. Lopez Quesada, G. Tatsios, Stéphane Colin, D. Valougeorgis, Lucien Baldas, Marcos Rojas-Cárdenas. Reviewing the early stages of a Knudsen pump design: modeling and manufacturing. 2nd International MIGRATE Workshop, Sofia, Bulgaria, MIGRATE-153802[HAL]
2017COMG. Tatsios, G. Lopez Quesada, Marcos Rojas-Cárdenas, Lucien Baldas, Stéphane Colin, D. Valougeorgis. Thermally driven flows in long tapered channels. 2nd International MIGRATE Workshop, Sofia, Bulgaria, MIGRATE-152927[HAL]
2017COMErnane Silva, Cesare J. Deschamps, Marcos Rojas-Cárdenas, Christine Barrot-Lattes, Lucien Baldas, Stéphane Colin. A comparison of mass flow rate experimental data obtained using two different experimental setups by means of the dynamic constant volume technique. 2nd International MIGRATE Workshop, Sofia, Bulgaria, MIGRATE-150322[HAL]
2016COMShiqi Wang, Lucien Baldas, Azeddine Kourta, Stéphane Colin, Stéphane Orieux, Nicolas Mazellier, Ahmad Batikh. Dynamics of Fluidic Oscillators and Their Synchronization for Active Flow Control. Journées du GDR 2502 Contrôle des Décollements, LMFA, École Centrale de Lyon[HAL]
2016COMS. Wang, Lucien Baldas, Stéphane Colin, Stéphane Orieux, Azeddine Kourta, Nicolas Mazellier. Experimental and Numerical Study of the Frequency Response of a Fluidic Oscillator for Active Flow Control. 8th AIAA Flow Control Conference, Washington, USA[HAL] / [DOI] / [bibtex]
2016ACLJie Chen, Stefan K Stefanov, Lucien Baldas, Stéphane Colin. Analysis of flow induced by temperature fields in ratchet-like microchannels by Direct Simulation Monte Carlo. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, Elsevier, 672-680, 99[HAL] / [DOI] / [bibtex]
2016COMG. Lopez Quesada, Stéphane Colin, D. Valougeorgis, G. Tatsios, Lucien Baldas, Marcos Rojas-Cárdenas. Overview of alternative designs for thermally driven micropumps. 1st International MIGRATE Workshop, Strasbourg, France, MIGRATE 12: 1-2[HAL]
2016COMJie Chen, Marcos Rojas-Cárdenas, Lucien Baldas, Stéphane Colin, Christine Barrot-Lattes. Measurement of thermal transpiration flow through a microtube. 5th Micro and Nano Flows Conference, Milano, Italy[HAL]
2016COMG. Tatsios, D. Valougeorgis, Jie Chen, Lucien Baldas, Stéphane Colin, S. Stefanov. Parametrization study of the thermally driven rarefied flow between saw-tooth like surfaces. 5th Micro and Nano Flows Conference, Milano, Italy[HAL]
2016COMY. Gao, Pascale Magaud, Lucien Baldas, C. Lafforgue, Micheline Abbas, P. Schmitz, Stéphane Colin. Trains of particles in finite-Reynolds-number micro square flow. 5th Micro and Nano Flows Conference, Milano, Italy[HAL]
2015ACLFeriel Samouda, Stéphane Colin, Christine Barrot, Lucien Baldas, Juergen Brandner. Micro molecular tagging velocimetry for analysis of gas flows in mini and micro systems. Microsystem Technologies, Springer Verlag, 527 - 537, 21[HAL] / [DOI] / [bibtex]
2015COMJie Chen, Stefan Stefanov, Lucien Baldas, Stéphane Colin, Christine Barrot-Lattes, Marcos Rojas-Cárdenas. Investigation of temperature-driven flow between ratchet surfaces. 2th European Conference on Non-equilibrium Gas Flows (NEGF15), Eindhoven, the Netherlands, 101-109[HAL]
2015COMC. Lafforgue, Pascale Magaud, Y. Gao, Lucien Baldas, Stéphane Colin, P. Schmitz. Inertial migration of microorganisms flowing in microchannel. Les Rencontres Scientifiques d’IFP Energies nouvelles. Microfluidics : from laboratory tools to process development[HAL]
2014ACLJie Chen, Lucien Baldas, Stéphane Colin. Numerical study of thermal creep flow between two ratchet surfaces. Vacuum, Elsevier, 294 - 301, 109[HAL] / [DOI] / [bibtex]
2014ACLVlasios Leontidis, Jie Chen, Lucien Baldas, Stéphane Colin. Numerical design of a Knudsen pump with curved channels operating in the slip flow regime. Heat and Mass Transfer, Springer Verlag, 1065 - 1080, 50[HAL] / [DOI] / [bibtex]
2014COMS. Wang, Lucien Baldas, Stéphane Colin, Nicolas Mazellier, Azeddine Kourta. Numerical and experimental characterization of a micro-oscillator for flow control. 4th European Conference on Microfluidics (µFlu'14), μFLU14-131:1-9[HAL]
2014COMS. Wang, Lucien Baldas, Stéphane Colin, Nicolas Mazellier, Azeddine Kourta. Développement d’oscillateur fluidique pour le contrôle du décollement turbulent sur une rampe. Journées du GDR 2502 Contrôle des Décollements, Orsay, France[HAL]
2014COMC. Lafforgue-Baldas, Pascale Magaud, Y. Gao, L. Leitner, P. Schmitz, Lucien Baldas. Exploration of micro-focusing potentialities for microorganism's separation. 4th European Conference on Microfluidics (µFlu'14), Limerick, Ireland, µFLU14-99:1-4[HAL]
2014COMPascale Magaud, Micheline Abbas, C. Lafforgue-Baldas, Lucien Baldas, Stéphane Colin, Éric Climent, P. Schmitz. Technical developments to characterize particle migration in micro-channel flows for sorting and separation applications. European Conference on Fluid-Particle Separation, Lyon, 2014.[HAL]
2014COMC. Lafforgue-Baldas, Yanfeng Gao, Pascale Magaud, Lucien Baldas, Christine Lafforgue. Lateral migration of particles in square micro-channels at low flow inertia. 4th European Conference on Microfluidics (µFlu'14), μFLU14-97:1-8[HAL]
2014COMJie Chen, Lucien Baldas, Stéphane Colin. Numerical analysis of thermal creep flow in tapered microchannels. 5th International Conference on Heat Transfer and Fluid Flow in Microscale (HTFFM-V)[HAL]
2014COMJie Chen, Stéphane Colin, Lucien Baldas, Christine Barrot-Lattes. Numerical investigation of a novel Knudsen pump with two ratchet surfaces. 4th European Conference on Microfluidics (µFlu'14), μFLU14-96:1-7[HAL]
2012ACLArjan Frijns, Dimitris Valougeorgis, Stéphane Colin, Lucien Baldas. 1st European Conference on Gas Micro Flows (GasMems 2012). Journal of Physics: Conference Series, IOP Science, 011001, 362[HAL] / [DOI] / [bibtex]
2012COMF. Samouda, Stéphane Colin, Christine Barrot-Lattes, Lucien Baldas, J. Brandner. Molecular tagging velocimetry for internal gas flows - From continuum to shlightly rarefied regime. 3rd European Conference on Microfluidics (µFlu'12), Heidelberg, Germany, µFLU12-144:1-10[HAL]
2012COMY. Li, Christine Barrot-Lattes, Lucien Baldas, Stéphane Colin, J.J. Brandner, D. Newport. Gas mass flow rate measurement in T-shaped microchannels in slip flow regime. ASME 2011 International Mechanical Engineering Congress & Exposition (IMECE2011) - Vol. 6, 775-782[HAL] / [DOI] / [bibtex]
2012COMY. Li, S. Joseph, Stéphane Colin, Lucien Baldas, Christine Barrot-Lattes, Stéphane Orieux, D. Newport, J.J. Brandner. Quantitative measurement of gas pressure drop along T-shaped micro channels by interferometry. 1st European Conference on Gas MicroFlows -GASMEMS2012-, Skiathos, Greece (in Journal of Physics: Conference Series vol. 362), 012032[HAL] / [DOI] / [bibtex]
2012COMV. Leontidis, Lucien Baldas, Stéphane Colin. Numerical optimization of Knudsen micropumps with curved walls operating in the slip flow regime. 28th International Symposium on Rarefied Gas Dynamics (RGD28), Zaragoza, Spain[HAL]
2012COMV. Leontidis, Lucien Baldas, Stéphane Colin. Numerical simulation of thermal transpiration in the slip flow regime with curved walls. ASME 2012 10th International Conference on Nanochannels, Microchannels and Minichannels (ICNMM2012), 205-212[HAL] / [DOI] / [bibtex]
2012COMV. Leontidis, J.J. Brandner, Lucien Baldas, Stéphane Colin. Numerical analysis of thermal creep flow in curved channels for designing a prototype of Knudsen micropump. 1st European Conference on Gas MicroFlows -GASMEMS2012-, Skiathos, Greece (in Journal of Physics: Conference Series vol. 362), 012004[HAL] / [DOI] / [bibtex]
2012COMF. Samouda, Christine Barrot-Lattes, Stéphane Colin, Lucien Baldas, Nicolas Laurien. Analysis of gaseous flows in microchannels by molecular tagging velocimetry. ASME 2012 10th International Conference on Nanochannels, Microchannels, and Minichannels (ICNMM 12), Puerto Rico, USA, 221-228[HAL] / [DOI] / [bibtex]
2012COMPascale Magaud, Sandrine Geoffroy, Micheline Abbas, C. Lafforgue, Stéphane Colin, Lucien Baldas. Particles in square micro-channel flows: experimental and numerical validation of the process. 3rd European Conference on Microfluidics (µFlu'12), Heidelberg, Germany, µFLU12-217:1-10[HAL]
2011COMV. Leontidis, Lucien Baldas, Stéphane Colin. Modeling of a Knudsen pump consisting of curved channels. 3nd French-Chinese Conference on Microfluidics[HAL]
2011COMY. Li, Christine Barrot-Lattes, Lucien Baldas, Stéphane Colin, D. Newport. A setup for gas mass flow rate measurement in T-shaped micro channel. 3rd International GASMEMS Workshop (GASMEMS11), Bertinoro, Italy[HAL]
2011COMY. Li, S. Joseph, Christine Barrot-Lattes, Lucien Baldas, Stéphane Colin, Stéphane Orieux, D. Newport, J.J. Brandner. Analysis of gas flow in T-shaped micro-mixer by interferometry. 64th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Fluid Dynamics, Baltimore, Maryland, USA[HAL]
2010COMH.-C. Boisson, Stéphane Colin, W. Ghozlani, Lucien Baldas, Azeddine Kourta. Design and experimental analysis of a microfluidic oscillator for active flow control. 2nd European Conference on Microfluidics (µFlu'10), Toulouse, France, µFLU2010-182:1-11[HAL]
2010ACLJeerasak Pitakarnnop, Stelios Varoutis, Dimitris Valougeorgis, Sandrine Geoffroy, Stéphane Colin, Lucien Baldas. A novel experimental setup for gas microflows. Microfluidics and Nanofluidics, Springer Verlag, 57 - 72, 8[HAL] / [DOI] / [bibtex]
2010COMPascale Magaud, Sandrine Geoffroy, Stéphane Colin, Lucien Baldas. A review on inertial focusing of particles in microchannels for separation and other applications. 2nd European Conference on Microfluidics (µFlu'10), Toulouse, France, µFLU2010-195:1-13[HAL]
2010BStéphane Colin, Christine Barrot-Lattes, Nicolas Laurien, Lucien Baldas, Didier Forêt, Frédéric Casanova. Measuring method and portable measure bench for liquid micro-flows, and application for characterizing micro-pumps for medical use.[HAL]
2010ACLAhmad Batikh, Lucien Baldas, R. Caen, W. Ghozlani, Azeddine Kourta. Experimental Characterization of Sub-Millimetric Fluidic Actuators: Application to Boundary Layer Separation Control. Experimental Heat Transfer, Taylor & Francis, 4--26, 23[HAL] / [DOI] / [bibtex]
2010COMChristine Barrot-Lattes, O. Thuillard, Christine Barrot, Stéphane Colin, Lucien Baldas, Nicolas Laurien, Stéphane Orieux, Jean-Louis Fraysse, Didier Forêt, Frédéric Casanova, Olivier Thuillart, Dan Veale. A new setup for analysis of the performance of micropumps for drug delivery. 2nd European Conference on Microfluidics (µFlu'10)[HAL]
2010COMM.P. Carreras, Y. Li, D. Newport, F. Samouda, Stéphane Colin, Christine Barrot-Lattes, Lucien Baldas. Reinforcement and creation of collaboration networks to enhance joint research. Euroscience Open Forum (ESOF2010), Torino, Italy[HAL]
2009COMJ. Pitakarnnop, S. Varoutis, D. Valougeorgis, Sandrine Geoffroy, Lucien Baldas, Stéphane Colin. Micro-écoulements de gaz monoatomiques et de leurs mélanges. Journées du GDR Micro Nanofluidique, Bordeaux, France[HAL]
2009COMStéphane Colin, Lucien Baldas, G.L. Morini. The GASMEMS Network: rationale, programme and initial results. 2nd Micro and Nano Flows Conference (MNF2009), West London, UK, MNF2009-84:1-8[HAL]
2009COMJ. Pitakarnnop, S. Misdanitis, D. Valougeorgis, Stéphane Colin, Lucien Baldas, Sandrine Geoffroy. Flow of gas mixtures through rectangular microchannels in slip flow and early transition regimes. 1st International GASMEMS Workshop (GASMEMS09), Eindhoven, The Netherlands, GASMEMS09-11:1-9[HAL]
2009COMJ. Pitakarnnop, Stéphane Colin, Sandrine Geoffroy, Lucien Baldas, Stéphane Orieux, S. Misdanitis, D. Valougeorgis. An investigation of gas mixture flows through rectangular microchannels. 2nd French-Chinese Conference on Microfluidics, Paris, France[HAL]
2009COMW. Ghozlani, Lucien Baldas, R. Caen, Azeddine Kourta, H. Boisson. Etude numérique et expérimentale des actionneurs micro-fluidiques pour le contrôle actif des écoulements. Colloque de synthèse du GDR 2502 Contrôle des Décollements, Orléans, France[HAL]
2009ACLRachid Khelfaoui, Stéphane Colin, Stéphane Orieux, Robert Caen, Lucien Baldas. Numerical and Experimental Analysis of Monostable Mini- and Micro-Oscillators. Heat Transfer Engineering, Taylor & Francis, 121 - 129, 30[HAL] / [DOI] / [bibtex]
2009COMW. Ghozlani, Lucien Baldas, R. Caen, Azeddine Kourta, H. Boisson. Numerical and experimental study of sub-millimetric fluidic actuators for boundary layer separation control. 2nd French-Chinese Conference on Microfluidics, Paris, France[HAL]
2008ACLAhmad Batikh, Robert Caen, Stéphane Colin, Lucien Baldas, Azeddine Kourta, Henri-Claude Boisson. Numerical and experimental study of micro synthetic jets for active flow control. International Journal of Heat and Technology, International Information and Engineering Technology Association, 139-145, 26[HAL]
2008ACLChristine Barrot-Lattes, David Newport, Stefano Chiavaroli, Gian Luca Morini, Stéphane Colin, Lucien Baldas. 3-D reconstruction of velocity profiles in rectangular microchannels. International Journal of Heat and Technology, International Information and Engineering Technology Association, 153-159, 26[HAL]
2008ACLJeerasak Pitakarnnop, Sandrine Geoffroy, Stéphane Colin, Lucien Baldas. Slip flow in triangular and trapezoidal microchannels. International Journal of Heat and Technology, International Information and Engineering Technology Association, 167-174, 26[HAL]
2007COMAhmad Batikh, Lucien Baldas, Robert Caen, Stéphane Colin, Azeddine Kourta, Henri-Claude Boisson. BEHAVIOR OF A MINI SYNTHETIC JET IN A TRANSVERSE WALL FLOW: EXPERIMENTAL AND NUMERICAL STUDY. ASME ICNMM2007 - 5th International Conference on Nanochannels, Microchannels and Minichannels[HAL] / [DOI] / [bibtex]
2007ACLKieran Curran, Mark Davies, Stéphane Colin, Lucien Baldas. Coalescence instable lors du mélange de microgouttes aqueuses suspendues dans de l’huile silicone. La Houille Blanche - Revue internationale de l'eau, EDP Sciences, 104 - 109[HAL] / [DOI] / [bibtex]
2007COMAhmad Batikh, Azeddine Kourta, Henri Boisson, Lucien Baldas, Robert Caen, Stéphane Colin. Numerical and experimental study of mini synthetic jets actuators for flow control. The second International Francophone Congress of Advanced Mechanics - IFCAM02[HAL]
2006ACLChristine Lattes, Stéphane Colin, Sandrine Geoffroy, Lucien Baldas. Effets de la double couche électrique sur un écoulement de Poiseuille. La Houille Blanche - Revue internationale de l'eau, EDP Sciences, 47 - 52[HAL] / [DOI] / [bibtex]
2005ACLKieran Curran, Stéphane Colin, Lucien Baldas, Mark Davies. Liquid bridge instability applied to microfluidics. Microfluidics and Nanofluidics, Springer Verlag, 336 - 345, 1[HAL] / [DOI] / [bibtex]
2004COMChristine Lattes, Stéphane Colin, Sandrine Geoffroy, Lucien Baldas. Effets de la double couche électrique sur un écoulement de Poiseuille. Effects of the electrical double layer on Poiseuille microflows. Microfluidique 2004[HAL]
2004ACLStéphane Colin, Lucien Baldas. Effets de raréfaction dans les micro-écoulements gazeux. Comptes Rendus. Physique, Académie des sciences (Paris), 521 - 530, 5[HAL] / [DOI] / [bibtex]
2003ACLStéphane Colin, Marc Anduze, Pierre Lalonde, Robert Caen, Lucien Baldas. Analyse d'écoulements liquides ou gazeux en micro-conduites : découplage des incertitudes expérimentales. La Houille Blanche - Revue internationale de l'eau, EDP Sciences, 104 - 110[HAL] / [DOI] / [bibtex]
2003ACLGabor Bálint, Lucien Baldas, József Rohács, Robert Caen, Stéphane Colin. Etude numérique de microdiodes de type convergent/divergent. La Houille Blanche - Revue internationale de l'eau, EDP Sciences, 43-48[HAL] / [DOI] / [bibtex]